2007年10月16日 星期二


事實上近視無理想治療法,我國眼科老教授 徐廣弟在其著作青少年近視防治指南一書已清楚指出對付近視只可從預防著手,治療早期假近視,進而阻止真近視發生和再發展。筆者對此深表認同,

梁彥康 視光師

From: hon yuk fung
To: steveleung@chinamyopia.org
Subject: 正視鏡
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:53:07 +0800 (CST)


我女兒今年12歲,11/06年健康檢查時,左右眼視力為:-0.2 / -0.3;上月由於我要配眼鏡,故要求她再檢眼,左右眼視力為:-0.75 / -1.00。我一直要求她保護好眼睛,但還是出現近視了,我是過來人,知道配了眼鏡後,度數只會越來越深,很想有辦法幫她。


2007年10月8日 星期一

An insightful parent

From: Steve Leung
To: KW Leung
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: Leung Wing Yee

Dear Mr. Leung ,
Thank you so much for your update.
With your persistent hard-working and Wing Yee's self motivation, I think she will be paid off in the coming future.

Sorry for you have encountered such a shallow view teacher. But truely she reflects a great masses of us lack of the insight .

For simplicity, just encourage her to use the prismatic plus whenever using her eyes for near work to avoid strange looking from teacher or classmates.

For maximum effectiveness of the plus, you have chosen the right answer. In addition to your proposal, I may suggest her to tolerate +0.25 in the upper portion if feasible.

Few of my myopic patients have already been given the kind of bifocal with upper portion negative and lower portion either positive or reduced negative for those lack of discipline in changing glasses.

Steve Leung

----- Original Message -----
From: KW Leung
To: Lawson's optometrists
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: Leung Wing Yee

Hi Steve
After staying away from books for two months, Wing Yee shows some progress in myopia improvement. Her left eye, which was -1.0D before, can now read the 20/30 line naked eyes

My daughter just started school year.
She wears the plus lens to school and see over the top of the glasses to read the blackboard.
But the teacher states that this is rude and will not allow her to do so. Further explanation to the teacher would make us become troublesome parents. I do not want her vision to become worse again.

Can I get a bifocal, with the same power/prism at the lower portion and no correction at the upper portion, from you for her to go to school? Can a bifocal fabricated in such a way that the boundary is high such that a smaller gap is left for distance vision?.

If so, I will make a booking soon. Or you have better idea.

Many thanks

Mr Leung

From: "Steve Leung"
Subject: Leung Wing Yee and Wing Hong
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2006 11:15:02 +0800

Dear Mr. leung,
I am so glad you own the insight as Dr. Stirling Colgate and take great care of your children!
I reply in the following in parenthesis after your questions.

Attached is an excellent article written by Dr Stirling Colgate 30 years ago which had not been published, I obtained his permission to translate it for the benefit of all Chinese. Please feel free to open it and spread out where applicable. You can view the English version at http://geocities.com/otisbrown17268/aboutus.txt

Best regard,
Steve Leung
optomertist (prevention minded)

From: "KW Leung"
Subject: Leung Wing Yee and Wing Hong
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:15:02 +0800
Dear Steve

I have discussed the plus lens idea among my friends. Only friends with high school physics experience understand what I said without serious explanation for up to an hour.
{That is the core of the difficult situation, very few of us possess the insight of plus lens application.}

One of my friends, Mr Au Yeung, who is a teacher bought his kid to you on last Sat (10/6) at Tsuen Wan.?
{Yes, all I can do is to prevent him getting into deeper nearsightedness. He has been wearing the first minus glasses for several months. Recovery is almost impossible. Sucess depends on his own willingness.}

Mrs Au Yeung said you asked the progress of Wing Yee and I report as follows:-
She wears the plus lens all the time except during sleeping and cycling. When she needs to see things far away, she dips her head and looks over the glass.
{Wonderful to have she put on the glasses all the time! My kids do the same thing for they can see much clearer over the top.}

She said she noted some slight improvement (she is a kid anyway). Go ahead to reinforce her commiment.

Immediately after visiting you (about 2-3 weeks ago), I measured her far clear point (according to your book) at 92 cm. Now the far clear point is about 120-140 cm (it greatly depends on how much school work she've done on that day). But she can only read up to the 20/40 line on a Snellen Chart 20 feet away without significant guessing. The 20/30 line can only be "guessed" 80% correct.
{The best VA is 20/20 without any correction. It seems her vsion is largely improved.}

I also found that she can read a book with the plus lens more than 50 cm away and this is not convenient and she may need a stronger lens.
{The principle of plus is to move any close object out into infinity optically. Both you and she are very smart and intelligent to grasp the whole process! }

What is your opinion? I am willing to buy extra pair of lenses if it helps.
{Fogging technique means to deliberate blur out viewing object, you have to consider either blurring out far vision as I suggested last time or at closer range such reading and writing. Yes, it is worth to have an extra pair of stronger plus if she is willing to use it and I would like her to try.}

For My Son, Wing Hong:

Due to curiosity, I bought 2 uncut lense (+0.5D and +1.0D) to test my son's vision. When he sees through the +0.5D lens, he can read up to the 20/40 line only. Does it mean that he lost his farsightness and action need to be taken? Or vision test cannot be done this way.
{It might be the case as you thought, anyway he should be at <+0.50 farsightedness but > 0.00D. What is his feeling with the +0.50 and +1.00. Should he replies be better, worse or about the same ?}

If so, would it be appropriate to let him wear plus lense all time during TVgame, homework, etc.?
{I rather suggest the use of plus for all close work to prevent the onset of any negative focal status (nearsightedness) for his long term visual welfare}

If yes, I will make appointment immediately An ounce of prevention is outweigh a ton of cure.

Best Regards

Mr Leung